My weekend started 15 minutes before school got out on Thursday afternoon. I had a 4:45pm flight, so I needed to leave then to beat any school traffic. There is a wonderful teacher, Lisa, that works with me in several of my classes, who was more than willing to take charge for those last minutes. I am more thankful for her than my words could express!
I was off. And I was excited.
I couldn't help smiling as I headed north on the 65 (I-65, or the Interstate, as the locals call it). But, there was also this deep feeling of contentment as I drove north. I knew that, though I was desperately excited to go home, I was also going to miss Tennessee.
After dropping off my car in Long Term parking, and getting through Security, I was in the air. I had been waiting for this weekend since before I left California in July, and I was aching to see my niece and nephews.
I arrived late on Thursday, so the real fun began on Friday!
After dropping my Ma off at work in San Clemente...
...I continued the morning with coffee and breakfast at Bagels & Brew with two of my best gals, Blythe and Camyron. {Camyron actually left on Saturday to trek across the USofA to be my roommate in Tennessee. And I can't wait for her to be here!}
After that much-needed hang out, I went over to my old Stallion-stompin' ground and visited my former colleagues during the Friday BBQ! It was so fun to catch up with them. So many things have changed (new teachers, new experiences, new classrooms for several), but so much was still the same. One of the things that I am finding so interesting in moving is that nothing stays quite the same, but the changes have so far been such that I don't feel out of place.
I only have a few of the friends that I taught with pictured here. They are incredible. Really, it was so great seeing them.
The Homecoming game that night was Harry Potter themed, and it was truly magical. It was so fun seeing more former colleagues and former students and cheerleaders. I didn't take that many photos, as I was busy catching up, so here is a little taste into the night.
I absolutely love hearing about my students' post-high school lives and see who they are becoming. It makes me feel like a proud mama.
Saturday was one of those days in my life that will go down as "one of the best." Three months of not squeezing and laughing with my niece and nephews, and missing out on them grow even just a little in that time, has been the hardest part of my living in Tennessee.
But, part of the beauty of family is that as soon as I knocked on the door and heard the excited squeals of "Auntie is here! Auntie is here!," I knew that these few short months did not matter in the grand scheme of things. I am so thankful that I was able to live near them for the time that I did, as they know me even though time has gone by.
Just little snippets into this wonderful weekend.
I had coffee with my parents at Coffee Importers (my favorite place!) in Dana Point on Sunday and then left for the airport. I really do miss seeing palm trees.
As the plane took off from Orange County, tears silently fell from my eyes for ten, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. I'm not sure how long.
Even though my heart ached so deeply from having to leave my family until Christmas, I had an undeniable peace about going back to Tennessee; a peace that I would not have thought I would have been able to have, or be okay with, a month ago.
I know, without a doubt, that I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now. Though I can't tell the future (I don't know if I'll be here for the rest of my life, ten years, five years, or just the duration of this year), I know that I am right where I need to be. I am excited to see where this leads me.
There is no place like home, but right now I have two homes. And that is fine by me.
Until next time, y'all!