Thursday, November 28, 2013

Top 30 "Thanks" of 2013

I decided a few days ago that I was going to blog what I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving. But, as I like to have some fun twist on most of what I do, I decided to stick with my top 30, as this is my 30th year of life. Some of these may seem random, but they are what I am thankful for right now.

Aside from my top 5, the others are in no particular order.

Ladies and gentlemen, here are my top 30 "thanks" of 2013:

30. the smell of fresh laundry

29. my health

28. snow!

27. a fridge full of food (healthy and tasty)

26. organizing/getting rid of clutter

25. pillows - decorative and for sleeping

24. my amazing mattress - seriously, it's incredible

23. apple cinnamon scented things (candles, air fresheners, etc.)

22. wood burning fireplaces (haven't made a fire yet, but once I do expect a photo being posted)

21. FaceTime (allows me to feel like I'm "there")

20. adventure walks

19. peppermint mocha Coffeemate creamer

18. a week off of work

17. waking up naturally each day because of this week off of work

16. again, due to this week off of work, being able to make breakfast each morning and drink my coffee (refer to #19) with the ability to sit down and enjoy them

15. friends (with years of history, and new)

14. Pilates on a reformer (just took a class for the first time in over six months, and I'm feeling good!)

13. the ability to feel sore because my body is healthy enough to push it

12. little hints/tricks to cooking a successful and delicious Thanksgiving meal from my Ma

11. Christmas trees, Christmas lights, and Christmas music

10. a job that allows me to pay my bills

9. Pride & Prejudice (my favorite movie ever)

8. everything colorful

7. experiencing and appreciating a real Fall season

6. Instagram (may seem silly, but this has truly helped me feel as though I am still experiencing life with so many that I am not near)

5. random phone calls/texts that, though unknown to the sender, have made some of my hardest days easier

4. simple things that make me smile --> sweet texts/emails, unexpected kindness in strangers, finding a parking spot in a crowded lot, surprise smoothies in the morning from Cam, Christmas music, fresh flowers, etc.

3. my roommate, Cam #myroommateruleZ

2. my family - I know I say this a lot, but really my family is incredible. I still wonder sometimes how I was able to drive out of Southern California and willingly leave them. But, I am thankful for technology (texting, Instagram, FaceTime, Facebook, etc.) that keep us close.

1. my salvation - without this, I would have no hope, no everlasting life, and no idea of what grace truly means.

I hope that this has helped you to take a moment to reflect on some of the big and small things that you are thankful for. Happiest Thanksgiving!

Until next time, y'all!